Alicia Carr
Alicia Carr is a mentor, a grandma, and a developer. She created Pevo, an app for domestic violence survivors to find information, shelters, and local laws when resources are needed most.
Alicia Carr is a mentor, a grandma, and a developer. She created Pevo, an app for domestic violence survivors to find information, shelters, and local laws when resources are needed most.
Amjith Ramanujam couldn't find a tool he wanted, so he wrote pgcli, a command line interface for Postgres. A few years later, he passed the torch to another contributor, Irina, to focus on being a father.
Amy Dickens is a student, a sound engineer, and a developer.
When Ariya Hidayat is not a VP of Engineering, he maintains PhantomJS, one of the most popular tools used by companies to write automated integration test for web applications.
Brett Cannon made his first open source contribution more than 15 years ago. Now a Software Engineer at Microsoft, he’s still a core contributor to Python, a project he has contributed to for more than a decade.
Eric Holscher started Read the Docs, a documentation hosting platform, as a side project. Now that it generates over 250 million page views a year, Eric has begun to explore a path to sustainability.
Russell Keith-Magee created BeeWare to fill a gap in his own process. Today, BeeWare is the go-to project for supporting Python on every platform.
Henry Zhu splits his time between working on Adobe’s Behance team and Babel, a popular JavaScript compiler used by companies like Facebook, Google, and Netflix.
Jess Frazelle works on Kubernetes full-time. Previously she maintained Docker, a software containerization platform used by thousands of teams.
Katrina Owen created Exercism, a platform to gain fluency in programming languages, to solve her own needs. Today, Exercism supports more than 50 programming languages, written and used by developers in over 200 countries.
Kris Nova quickly developed a passion for open source software. Now she gets to work on open source tooling at her day job, which includes maintaining Kubernetes Operations (kops).
Lisa Lang is a teacher, a fashion designer, and a developer.
Mario Ponce is a father, an immigrant, a builder, and a developer.
Tim Graham started contributing to Django as part of a college research project. Now he helps maintain the popular web framework full time as a Django Fellow.
In 2013, Evan You founded Vue, a Javascript framework funded by the community on Patreon. In 2016, Vue reached 2,000,000 downloads.