Name | UE4OSC |
Category | Communication |
Author | Zach Duer - duerzr@vcu.edu |
Version | 1.0 |
UE4 Build | 4.4.1 |
UE4OSC allows Unreal Engine 4 to communicate with other applications over the Open Sound Control protocol. UE4OSC is free and open-source.
Download, Installation and Usage
The plugin, the full source for the plugin, and the full source for the OSC DLL are available on GitHub.
Please see the readme for installation and usage instructions.
Current Status
UE4OSC is still under development. The current release has all the main pieces in place to function, but only has a few options at this time for sending and receiving messages. I will continue expanding the plugin to be more robust while keeping it open-ended to fit any project. Please feel free to edit the plugin, or send me a request for feature requests (see below for contact information).
If you have any questions, comments, bug reports, or feature requests for this plugin, contact me at duerzr <at> vcu <dot> edu
Last edited: 28 September 2014 by Zach Duer