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A framework for building native apps with React.
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hramos and facebook-github-bot Circle CI Housekeeping: Windows, e2e (#28471)
Circle CI Housekeeping:
* Integrate Windows job into `tests` workflow
* Add parametrized e2e tests command
* Move js e2e tests out of the disabled test quarantine area
* Parametrize and split `test_ios` job to reduce total execution time by ~13 minutes


Longest running iOS job at 39 minutes.

| Setup Job Runtime | Job | Job Runtime | Total Runtime |
| - | - | - | - |
| 01:24 | test_ios | 38:04 | **39:28** |
| 01:24 | test_ios_frameworks | 38:02 | 39:26 |

![Screen Shot 2020-03-31 at 12 40 29 PM](


Longest running iOS job down to 26 minutes.

| Setup Job Runtime | Job | Job Runtime | Total Runtime |
| - | - | - | - |
| 01:26 | test_ios_unit | 20:48 | 22:14 |
| 01:26 | test_ios_unit_frameworks | 22:52 | 24:18 |
| 01:26 | test_ios_detox | 24:35 | 39:28 |
| 01:26 | test_ios_detox_frameworks | 24:54 | **26:20** |

![Screen Shot 2020-03-31 at 12 39 22 PM](

## Changelog

[Internal] [CI] - CI Housekeeping
Pull Request resolved: #28471

Test Plan: Circle CI

Reviewed By: cpojer

Differential Revision: D20774521

Pulled By: hramos

fbshipit-source-id: 4a2f5a4083cd76dcb51d5ccaf726cd204fca222e
Latest commit 23d0e7c Apr 1, 2020


Type Name Latest commit message Commit time
Failed to load latest commit information.
.circleci Circle CI Housekeeping: Windows, e2e (#28471) Apr 1, 2020
.github Add `upgrade-support` link on issue creation (#28411) Mar 30, 2020
IntegrationTests Back out "Upgrade Prettier from 1.17 to 2.0.2." Mar 25, 2020
Libraries Implement nativePerformanceNow to improve Profiler API results (#27885) Mar 31, 2020
RNTester mention RNTester app in contributor guide (#28042) Mar 31, 2020
React Implement nativePerformanceNow to improve Profiler API results (#27885) Mar 31, 2020
ReactAndroid Implement nativePerformanceNow to improve Profiler API results (#27885) Mar 31, 2020
ReactCommon Plumb through memory allocation profiler feature to Chrome Inspector Mar 31, 2020
bots Back out "Upgrade Prettier from 1.17 to 2.0.2." Mar 25, 2020
docs Generate doc info for RN components Sep 20, 2019
flow-typed/npm add react-dom libdef to xplat/js Feb 5, 2020
flow Back out "Upgrade Prettier from 1.17 to 2.0.2." Mar 25, 2020
gradle/wrapper Update Gradle Wrapper to 6.2 (#28112) Feb 19, 2020
jest Make ScrollView use ForwardRef Mar 26, 2020
keystores Use fb_native_wrapper for all targets Oct 31, 2018
local-cli Update references to the CLI (#23052) Jan 21, 2019
packages Apply buckformat in preparation for updating buildifier Mar 31, 2020
scripts Green CI: Fix JavaScript e2e tests, disable failing Android e2e test ( Mar 26, 2020
template chore: update lint config in template (#28443) Mar 31, 2020
third-party-podspecs Upgrade Folly to v2020.01.13.00 (#27810) Jan 21, 2020
tools/build_defs Remove remaining external references to JSC Mar 12, 2020
.buckconfig Buck: Use Android SDK 29 during build (#28455) Mar 31, 2020
.buckjavaargs limiting BUCK's memory for CI Feb 1, 2016
.clang-format Moving ObjC specific clang-format rules to the common config Feb 11, 2019
.editorconfig https link to (#25267) Jun 18, 2019
.eslintignore Clear some lint warnings (#27893) Jan 29, 2020
.eslintrc Add ES Lint rules for `DynamicColorIOS()`and `ColorAndroid()` (#28398) Mar 28, 2020
.flowconfig Deploy Flow 0.121 to Xplat (#901) Mar 26, 2020 Deploy Flow 0.121 to Xplat (#901) Mar 26, 2020
.gitattributes Re-sync with internal repository Mar 14, 2020
.gitignore Update .gitignore to ignore ReactAndroid generated Gradle files (#28014) Feb 13, 2020
.nvmrc Add .nvmrc + fix node version for eslint 5 compat (#20109) Jul 31, 2018
.prettierrc Set the Prettier config so it is not forced on users of @react-native… Apr 29, 2019 Adopt Contributor Covenant Aug 30, 2019 mention RNTester app in contributor guide (#28042) Mar 31, 2020 Add document describing the RN ecosystem. (#24493) Apr 17, 2019
LICENSE Update copyright headers to yearless format Sep 11, 2018
LICENSE-docs More licenses Mar 25, 2015 feat: migrate appveyor to circleci (#28245) Mar 30, 2020
React-Core.podspec Updating the URLs to point at new domain name Feb 24, 2020
React.podspec Updating the URLs to point at new domain name Feb 24, 2020 Fix typo in (#20487) Aug 1, 2018
build.gradle.kts add Detox integrations to Android RNTester app Feb 11, 2020
cli.js Show full price instead of monthly price within the lead form Mar 28, 2019
gradlew Applied missing changes from bumping Gradle wrapper to 6.0.1 (#27639) Jan 13, 2020
gradlew.bat fbshipit-source-id: da15f69185e724eaf7d4bc78dbc61fcdcb3074d5 Mar 14, 2020
index.js chore: update url of warning message from deprecated imports (#28452) Mar 30, 2020
interface.js Move `react-native-implementation.js` to `index.js` Sep 12, 2019
jest-preset.js Delete hasteImpl, providesModuleNodeModules, and modulePathNameMapper ( Jun 5, 2019
jest.config.js Tidy up license headers [3/n] Oct 16, 2019
metro.config.js fix warning of root metro config (#27883) Jan 29, 2020
package.json Upgrade react-docgen, jscodeshift and flow-parser Mar 28, 2020
react-native.config.js Tidy up license headers [2/n] Oct 16, 2019
react.gradle fix: Android gradle config when bundling for release (#28415) Mar 28, 2020
rn-get-polyfills.js Remove Polyfills from RN Open Source Apr 4, 2019 Move non-license comments out of license header Oct 16, 2019
settings.gradle.kts Tidy up license headers Oct 22, 2019
template.config.js Tidy up license headers [3/n] Oct 16, 2019
yarn.lock Upgrade react-docgen, jscodeshift and flow-parser Mar 28, 2020

React Native

Learn once, write anywhere:
Build mobile apps with React.

React Native is released under the MIT license. Current CircleCI build status. Current npm package version. PRs welcome! Follow @reactnative

Getting Started · Learn the Basics · Showcase · Contribute · Community · Support

React Native brings React's declarative UI framework to iOS and Android. With React Native, you use native UI controls and have full access to the native platform.

  • Declarative. React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Declarative views make your code more predictable and easier to debug.
  • Component-Based. Build encapsulated components that manage their state, then compose them to make complex UIs.
  • Developer Velocity. See local changes in seconds. Changes to JavaScript code can be live reloaded without rebuilding the native app.
  • Portability. Reuse code across iOS, Android, and other platforms.

React Native is developed and supported by many companies and individual core contributors. Find out more in our ecosystem overview.


📋 Requirements

React Native apps may target iOS 10.0 and Android 4.1 (API 16) or newer. You may use Windows, macOS, or Linux as your development operating system, though building and running iOS apps is limited to macOS. Tools like Expo can be used to work around this.

🎉 Building your first React Native app

Follow the Getting Started guide. The recommended way to install React Native depends on your project. Here you can find short guides for the most common scenarios:

📖 Documentation

The full documentation for React Native can be found on our website.

The React Native documentation discusses components, APIs, and topics that are specific to React Native. For further documentation on the React API that is shared between React Native and React DOM, refer to the React documentation.

The source for the React Native documentation and website is hosted on a separate repo, @facebook/react-native-website.

🚀 Upgrading

Upgrading to new versions of React Native may give you access to more APIs, views, developer tools, and other goodies. See the Upgrading Guide for instructions.

React Native releases are discussed in the React Native Community, @react-native-community/react-native-releases.

👏 How to Contribute

The main purpose of this repository is to continue evolving React Native core. We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, and we are grateful to the community for contributing bug fixes and improvements. Read below to learn how you can take part in improving React Native.

Code of Conduct

Facebook has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to. Please read the full text so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.

Contributing Guide

Read our Contributing Guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to React Native.

Open Source Roadmap

You can learn more about our vision for React Native in the Roadmap.

Good First Issues

We have a list of good first issues that contain bugs which have a relatively limited scope. This is a great place to get started, gain experience, and get familiar with our contribution process.


Larger discussions and proposals are discussed in @react-native-community/discussions-and-proposals.

📄 License

React Native is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.

React Native documentation is Creative Commons licensed, as found in the LICENSE-docs file.

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