Static Function Libraries, Your Own Version of UE4 C++, No Engine Compile Times

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Original Author: Rama (talk)

Dear Community,

Building up your own static library of functions enables you to create your own version of UE4 C++ without having to modify the engine code and recompile it constantly.

A static library can have FORCEINLINE functions as well as .cpp functions that utilize your entire Game's compiled header structure!

 Whenever you have a core function that you want to use in many classes, 
 you can make it into a Static Library function 
 so it can be used any time anywhere!


#pragma once

#include "MyStaticLibrary.generated.h"

class UMyStaticLibrary : public UObject
	//FORCEINLNE function
	static FORCEINLINE bool IsValid(AActor* TheActor)
		if(!TheActor) return false;
		if(!TheActor->IsValidLowLevel()) return false;
		return true;
	//cpp function
	static int32 ComplicatedGameDataAnalysis();


// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#include "VictoryGame.h"

// MyStaticLibrary

UMyStaticLibrary::UMyStaticLibrary(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
	: Super(ObjectInitializer)

int32 UMyStaticLibrary::ComplicatedGameDataAnalysis()
	//Do lots of stuff that requires the entire Game's compiled header source,
	//  involving lots of your custom project-specific classes,
	//    classes that have not been compiled in the .h of this library 
	//    since they depend on it.
        return 9000;

Example Usage

In any class, in the .h, or the .cpp, anywhere really (if the class depends on your static library

//Anywhere, in .h or .cpp, in any class! 
  ClientMessage( FString::FromInt(UMyStaticLibrary::ComplicatedGameDataAnalysis()) );


All of the classes that want to use your Static Library must include it

#include "MyStaticLibrary.h"

Why UObject?

Because then you can also define USTRUCTS() in your static library, the very best place for them, if many classes want to use them!

USTRUCT() Library

//My 2D Rectangle data type
//  because this is defined in your static library that all your classes depend on,
//  you can use this USTRUCT() data type in any class, even in  .h FORCEINLINE functions!

struct FVRect
	FVector2D Min;
	FVector2D Max;
	//overloaded constructor
	FVRect(const FVector2D& VPoint1, const FVector2D& VPoint2)
		//drag topleft to bottom right
		if(VPoint1.X < VPoint2.X &&
			VPoint1.Y < VPoint2.Y
			Min 	= VPoint1;
			Max 	= VPoint2;
		//drag from bottom right to top left
		else if(VPoint1.X > VPoint2.X &&
			VPoint1.Y > VPoint2.Y
			Min 	= VPoint2;
			Max 	= VPoint1;
		//drag from bottom left to top right
		else if(VPoint1.X < VPoint2.X &&
			VPoint1.Y > VPoint2.Y
			Min 	= FVector2D(VPoint1.X, VPoint2.Y);
			Max 	= FVector2D(VPoint2.X, VPoint1.Y);
	//base constructor
		Min = FVector2D(0,0);
		Max = FVector2D(500,500);

struct FQuadVRect
	FVRect Rects[4];

        //base constructor

//And many
//many more USTRUCTS() !

class UMyStaticLibrary : public UObject


Related Tutorials

Linking Static Libraries Using The Build System

Great tutorial by Bob Gneu!


Now you have an easy way to write your own version of UE4 C++ to include essential project-specific function tools,

 without having to recompile the entire engine code constantly!


Rama (talk)